
Friday, August 26, 2011

Justice in Black and White in the land of Red, White, and Blue

(Originally Posted June 27, 2011)

I woke up this morning and read an article on about two men who were sentenced this past week for crimes they'd committed: one was a corporate CEO who had played an instrumental role in an ongoing fraud that ultimately swindled unsespecting home buyers to the tune of 3 BILLION Dollars . . .

The other was a homeless black man who robbed a bank of $100. When the teller offered more, he refused. He just needed $100. The next day, his conscience got the better of him and he turned himself in.

The CEO, living in the plush world of Northern Virginia, was given a 3 year sentence. The other, from a far different geographical stratosphere, Shreveport, Louisiana, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Somehow, this seems to, in a very dramatic and succinct way, sum up what has gone so terribly wrong within the United States :(

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