
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Arms of Love

*Originally posted April 4, 2011

It is time to step away from focusing on "prosperity consciousness" -- the mantra of so many "self-help" gurus, of late -- and look, instead, at opening up to divine realizations of who (and what) we are: spiritual beings intimately connected to a greater "whole", immortal beings of light who reincarnate over and over, God-thirsty pilgrims looking for love.

See your connection to this "greater whole" and love will fill you; focus on separation and love will continually evade you.

It really is that simple . . . material things can be taken from you in the blink of an eye, a tsunami or fire or invading army can change your world pretty quickly. Choices based on "current market trends" can reverse in dramatic, life-altering ways . . . but Love and a connection to your spiritual core -- the timeless spark you start, and end, with -- will never waver.

Fill your heart with love, be open to the still small voice within you and no matter how dark the night of your soul's passage, you can still move in to a space of healing and slip within the open arms of forgiveness and, then, begin moving towards golden rays of love that will fill you up rather than leave you, as so many are, yearning for that "next thing" to justify your, too often ego-based, existence.

Love is truly what matters. You can have it. You can.

It's your choice.

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