
Monday, November 14, 2011

Spain's Stolen Babies

If Joe Paterno was (quite justifiably) fired from his position as Penn State's football coach, shouldn't the Pope (and anyone else in the Catholic Church who was aware of the terrible crimes committed against children), for the exact same reason, see the same fate.

It wasn't all fun times taking a moral stand. I missed my half million dollar houses and new cars and Italian shoes and all the rest. It was hard. But I can go to my next life knowing I didn't put my own convenience and comfort ahead of my sense of morality.

A conspiracy, executed by the Spanish gov't in conjunction with doctors and the Catholic Church, to traffic newborns from "undesirables" and give them to families more "ideologically" aligned with the conservatives in the country. This went on for 50 years. As someone who personally went through the death of a new born, I can tell you there is nothing that compares with it.

Mothers and fathers were told their child had died. I cannot even imagine, even with my history, what this must be like :( . . . when will see the Catholic Church for what they truly are . . .

I went to bed with this show in my mind and it is the first thing I am thinking of as I awake. This disgusts me -- just as the news of Penn State's cover-up disgusts me. I can't live in a world where this happens. This is too much.

This is worth fighting for -- to make sure this never happens again :(

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