
Friday, November 11, 2011

Can you hear it ??

(Originally Posted October 27, 2011)

The light peaks through the window: a spiritual essence, faint at first, but getting clearer as the days pass. A time to retreat, store nuts for the Winter, listen listen . . . to the voice within you. Many of you -- MANY of you -- over the next 45 days will feel a sudden urge to expand your sense of religion and spirituality . . . a time of cleansing from now until mid-December. A time to connect to "yourself".

Those who have never been inside a church in 20 years will suddenly feel an urge to go; many of you, cynical and broken by the recent past, will rise up, like a man throwing off his crutches, and seek spiritual nurturance . . . this is time when many of us, me included, will be visited and hear the sweet, soft whisper of God.

Practice allowing your thoughts to form unimpeded, on their own. Practice following the rhythm of your breath, allowing it to move you, rather than follow . . . spend time looking at the earth, at what She says. New eyes bring new things . . .

Read old books of spirituality, read old novels about seekers who were "trying to understand" . . . the 19th Century was filled with them; see if the path they followed holds within it something that seems familiar to you now. The past is always a good place to start when looking to understand the future.

The most magical 6 months in history, right now; but only if you are willing to listen.

The volume has been turned up. Now, more than ever, the station from the Cosmos is there for YOU to plug in to. The voice of God is loud, very loud. Can you hear it ??

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