In my "past life" 5 years ago as a corporate analyst I saw first hand how accountants made decisions that undercut best practice methodologies, especially in terms of testing and contingency planning.
Everything was geared towards shareholder expectations, irregardless of the long-term health of the project and, ultimately, the compa...ny itself. We have become a 1Q/2Q world -- quarterly profits the only yardstick. We are eating ourselves from within. Here but one more example -- working a resource to death with no thoughts beyond the short-term.
We are not, as the Native American Elders instruct us, making decisions for Seven Generations to come. We are barely thinking even 7 years down the road; more likely 12-18 months, if that.
This article should worry you. In the late 50's and early 60's when I was a little boy, the sky was different. It LOOKED different, there was a different kind of breeze, the air was "happier" . . . hard to explain but I always notice how the sky and wind has changed; you can see it in 10 year increments just how much.
We are all connected; please remember that . . .
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Predictions and Positive Thinking
People have asked me lately why I make predictions about "negative things" like floods and ship wrecks and an imploding economy run by professional thieves with nice shoes. The reason: they are the images that jump out to me and, sadly, they are both newsworthy and impact a lot of people.
You could look at it as a warning -- a "head's up", in the case of the economy my advice to wait a bit in 2007 and 2008 to buy a house or this Winter "if you live near a river or at the foot of a hill, don't leave your valuables in the basement" . . . but that would assume there is a value to what we say in regards to future planning.
But psychics are not about "planning" in most people's minds. That is left to experts, "talking heads" who typically know less than the cab driver who took you to the airport or the man fixing your toilet because it is usually people outside the system who see it best. They have less investment in protecting the status quo when it is painfully obvious that we are in a "shift" like nothing anyone's ever seen.
Thomas Kuhn talked about this 50 years ago when he came up with the concept of "paradigm shifts".
Anyway . . . to quote another thinker and philosopher "the times, they are a changin" and, right now, all the dark boogey man spiders in the night thoughts one could have are playing out in technicolor all across the globe.
Economic meltdown? Check
Environmental catastrophes? Check
Forced child prostitution? Check.
Forced child prostitution? Yes -- and this isn't some random thing in some far away place like Romania or Somalia but right in our own backyards. Fifteen year old girls (or even younger sometimes) are being pimped out to 75 year old men all across the country, in nice little suburbs in Kansas City and Tacoma and Dallas and, really, all over. We have a "sick society" -- one in which every vice is publicly condemned, yet those throwing the biggest stones pull the curtains down in their glass houses and do terrible things.
I was told over and over two years ago that I was being negative -- that if I only "thought positive" then the economy would surely be fixed and who was I to think (or say -- OUT LOUD) that it wouldn't. We're America and dad gummit -- God likes US. U.S. -- US.
Well the floods and earthquakes will continue; that is out of our hands -- and dirty dealing behind the scenes financial chicanery and exploitation of pretty little girls will continue, but that IS something we could do something about but to acknowledge our power to intervene would suggest that things are not good and well, that's just plain negative thinking.
The reason many of my predictions are not roses and puppy dogs stems from this fact. The hidden in our world is now predominantly dark and until we as a collective wake up and embrace our inner light and stop expecting things to be fixed by experts -- predictions of economic implosions and unethical behavior will, sadly, continue to have a high probability of coming to pass :(
Right thought, right action. It is time to wake up. It is time to act.
You could look at it as a warning -- a "head's up", in the case of the economy my advice to wait a bit in 2007 and 2008 to buy a house or this Winter "if you live near a river or at the foot of a hill, don't leave your valuables in the basement" . . . but that would assume there is a value to what we say in regards to future planning.
But psychics are not about "planning" in most people's minds. That is left to experts, "talking heads" who typically know less than the cab driver who took you to the airport or the man fixing your toilet because it is usually people outside the system who see it best. They have less investment in protecting the status quo when it is painfully obvious that we are in a "shift" like nothing anyone's ever seen.
Thomas Kuhn talked about this 50 years ago when he came up with the concept of "paradigm shifts".
Anyway . . . to quote another thinker and philosopher "the times, they are a changin" and, right now, all the dark boogey man spiders in the night thoughts one could have are playing out in technicolor all across the globe.
Economic meltdown? Check
Environmental catastrophes? Check
Forced child prostitution? Check.
Forced child prostitution? Yes -- and this isn't some random thing in some far away place like Romania or Somalia but right in our own backyards. Fifteen year old girls (or even younger sometimes) are being pimped out to 75 year old men all across the country, in nice little suburbs in Kansas City and Tacoma and Dallas and, really, all over. We have a "sick society" -- one in which every vice is publicly condemned, yet those throwing the biggest stones pull the curtains down in their glass houses and do terrible things.
I was told over and over two years ago that I was being negative -- that if I only "thought positive" then the economy would surely be fixed and who was I to think (or say -- OUT LOUD) that it wouldn't. We're America and dad gummit -- God likes US. U.S. -- US.
Well the floods and earthquakes will continue; that is out of our hands -- and dirty dealing behind the scenes financial chicanery and exploitation of pretty little girls will continue, but that IS something we could do something about but to acknowledge our power to intervene would suggest that things are not good and well, that's just plain negative thinking.
The reason many of my predictions are not roses and puppy dogs stems from this fact. The hidden in our world is now predominantly dark and until we as a collective wake up and embrace our inner light and stop expecting things to be fixed by experts -- predictions of economic implosions and unethical behavior will, sadly, continue to have a high probability of coming to pass :(
Right thought, right action. It is time to wake up. It is time to act.
Predictions and Positive Thinking Part II
I have made many BOLD statements over the past 10 years -- making "public predictions" about things people absolutely did not want to hear. Let me list just two of them . . . the ones that have probably caused the most uproar.
1. The War in Iraq -- I said, while the needle in the haystack who hid the WMD's where's Waldo Hussein charade was playing out that (a) Iraq had nothing to do with anything other than not giving us their oil for the price we wanted to pay for it and (b) that a war with Iraq would
-- last forever &
-- bankrupt the US.
Put the Freedom Fries back in the oven and pour me a big tall glass of French wine because it was a scam from the get-go but nobody wanted to hear that. We weren't gonna let those "non-white people" invade us and use their WMD's -- which the crafty little boogers had the audacity to HIDE from our inspectors, who were really just doing their jobs.
I said the war would not end quickly -- as everyone KNEW it would, it would be a financial black hole and a diplomatic disaster, AND that it would put strains on the US Army that would, one day, come back to haunt us.
No roses and puppy dogs in that prediction. But -- seven plus years later . . . was it accurate?
Black Cloud Prediction # 2 -- the rosy economy is being systematically looted and will soon, once there is nothing really of value left to steal, begin to implode.
I didn't say it right off EXACTLY in this way -- but then I did sorta suggest that there was some "crony capitalism" that wasn't for the common good . . . so I watered down what I knew a little bit so as to make the medicine go down just a little easier.
I said that housing prices would not only stop rising like a runaway rocket ship but, blasphemy of all blasphemies, they would soon drop like a stone and take the rest of the economy down with it. I started saying this privately in 2004, publicly in 2006.
Before Barack Obama arrived on the scene I said he was not what he seemed and that beautiful as his speeches are/were, he was on the bank's Christmas Card list and he would do nothing to implement the changes he promised.
I said unemployment would skyrocket, the economy would go into stagnation for years and that people would suffer -- more so, much more so !! -- if they did not understand what was happening and allowed the status quo to continue without taking steps to avert the impact.
There are more, of course, but these two will hopefully make my point. Good news is beautiful but perhaps most of us have been in love and all was roses and candles and violins -- only to later learn that the story wasn't true.
We were being played. It didn't feel good, did it? Would you rather have a heads up early in the game -- or learn later after you bought your partner a house and a fleet of BMW's?
Forewarned is forearmed. Look at my track record or friends like Terry and Linda Jamison, Alison Baughman, and others. We see what is going to happen -- even if it goes against what people expect.
Isn't that why you go to psychics -- to see what's coming up, especially the things that may "pop up" out of the blue?
I stand by my predictions and my right (no, obligation) to deliver them.
1. The War in Iraq -- I said, while the needle in the haystack who hid the WMD's where's Waldo Hussein charade was playing out that (a) Iraq had nothing to do with anything other than not giving us their oil for the price we wanted to pay for it and (b) that a war with Iraq would
-- last forever &
-- bankrupt the US.
Put the Freedom Fries back in the oven and pour me a big tall glass of French wine because it was a scam from the get-go but nobody wanted to hear that. We weren't gonna let those "non-white people" invade us and use their WMD's -- which the crafty little boogers had the audacity to HIDE from our inspectors, who were really just doing their jobs.
I said the war would not end quickly -- as everyone KNEW it would, it would be a financial black hole and a diplomatic disaster, AND that it would put strains on the US Army that would, one day, come back to haunt us.
No roses and puppy dogs in that prediction. But -- seven plus years later . . . was it accurate?
Black Cloud Prediction # 2 -- the rosy economy is being systematically looted and will soon, once there is nothing really of value left to steal, begin to implode.
I didn't say it right off EXACTLY in this way -- but then I did sorta suggest that there was some "crony capitalism" that wasn't for the common good . . . so I watered down what I knew a little bit so as to make the medicine go down just a little easier.
I said that housing prices would not only stop rising like a runaway rocket ship but, blasphemy of all blasphemies, they would soon drop like a stone and take the rest of the economy down with it. I started saying this privately in 2004, publicly in 2006.
Before Barack Obama arrived on the scene I said he was not what he seemed and that beautiful as his speeches are/were, he was on the bank's Christmas Card list and he would do nothing to implement the changes he promised.
I said unemployment would skyrocket, the economy would go into stagnation for years and that people would suffer -- more so, much more so !! -- if they did not understand what was happening and allowed the status quo to continue without taking steps to avert the impact.
There are more, of course, but these two will hopefully make my point. Good news is beautiful but perhaps most of us have been in love and all was roses and candles and violins -- only to later learn that the story wasn't true.
We were being played. It didn't feel good, did it? Would you rather have a heads up early in the game -- or learn later after you bought your partner a house and a fleet of BMW's?
Forewarned is forearmed. Look at my track record or friends like Terry and Linda Jamison, Alison Baughman, and others. We see what is going to happen -- even if it goes against what people expect.
Isn't that why you go to psychics -- to see what's coming up, especially the things that may "pop up" out of the blue?
I stand by my predictions and my right (no, obligation) to deliver them.
Friday, May 14, 2010
In the years leading up to the housing crisis and the "bailout" I was a pretty consistent voice saying "hey, there is trouble on the horizon; these housing prices can't continue to go up like this" -- to me a fairly simple economic observation that most people could have seen simply by comparing the escalating costs of homes relative to what seemed to be a stagnation in personal income. The math wasn't good.
My predictions about the economy were consistently poo-pooed as mad liberal Anti-American love it or leave it propaganda but there was one small thing about what I said that became fairly obvious -- but only much later.
I was almost always right.
In fact, my observations and predictions were not only totally contrary to the "common wisdom" -- even to what most people swore up and down was just plain common sense -- it was also (in the "New Agey" think positive reality is what YOU make it world) -- considered blasphemy . . . "if you just think positive, it will all be OK."
OK . . . "I'm positive. The income is gonna suck -- HARD!"
This year I have, once again, found a new out of nowhere prediction of gloom and doom that (a) people didn't want to hear -- or even imagine could be true and (b) turned out to be absolutely accurate. For those who follow my published predictions, you all know that to be my thoughts on the "great floods" for the Spring of 2010.
I said years back that "2012 Consciousness" would begin during the week of September 15, 2008. I specified the exact week that our "world would change".
That is the week that the word "bailout" first become part of our national "heritage" . . . and that word has opened the floodgates to a new form of personal consciousness in the Western World.
I have also said for the past 3-4 years that 2010 was the year people feared when they thought of 2012. I believe it is 2010 when the most destruction and "change" happens.
It is my belief that, in many ways, 12/21/2012 will be a lot like Y2K -- a lot of hype. There were plenty of people back then storing nuts for the winter (buying generators and toilet paper by the truckload) and I said at the time "this is NOT going to be a big deal".
Neither will 2012.
I believe that my "accuracy" in pegging the events of the past 4 years serves a higher purpose and I started thinking of it -- and decided to write this blog -- after reading my friend Alison Baughman's blog this morning about 2012 -- "what IF 10 % of the world's populace BELIEVED it was the end of the world and let their fears run wild?"
What then?
I used to joke that people said "oh, he's such a nice boy (referring to me) until he talks about the economy!!"
I tried to warn fellow psychics and "light workers" about the economy so they could prepare for the psychological problems that potentially would arise in the general population. Not a lot of people paid attention to what I was saying.
I am afraid that Alison is right -- and hopefully as a doom and gloomer about the economy and the environment who consistently seemed to know what was up, my wish is that people will hear me when I say "the world is getting better, not worse".
These are growing pains to a better world -- a world that will perhaps appear shortly after 2012. The trend, short-term, is down. But by 2012 it will start moving higher and higher :)
Here is a link to Alison's blog:
My predictions about the economy were consistently poo-pooed as mad liberal Anti-American love it or leave it propaganda but there was one small thing about what I said that became fairly obvious -- but only much later.
I was almost always right.
In fact, my observations and predictions were not only totally contrary to the "common wisdom" -- even to what most people swore up and down was just plain common sense -- it was also (in the "New Agey" think positive reality is what YOU make it world) -- considered blasphemy . . . "if you just think positive, it will all be OK."
OK . . . "I'm positive. The income is gonna suck -- HARD!"
This year I have, once again, found a new out of nowhere prediction of gloom and doom that (a) people didn't want to hear -- or even imagine could be true and (b) turned out to be absolutely accurate. For those who follow my published predictions, you all know that to be my thoughts on the "great floods" for the Spring of 2010.
I said years back that "2012 Consciousness" would begin during the week of September 15, 2008. I specified the exact week that our "world would change".
That is the week that the word "bailout" first become part of our national "heritage" . . . and that word has opened the floodgates to a new form of personal consciousness in the Western World.
I have also said for the past 3-4 years that 2010 was the year people feared when they thought of 2012. I believe it is 2010 when the most destruction and "change" happens.
It is my belief that, in many ways, 12/21/2012 will be a lot like Y2K -- a lot of hype. There were plenty of people back then storing nuts for the winter (buying generators and toilet paper by the truckload) and I said at the time "this is NOT going to be a big deal".
Neither will 2012.
I believe that my "accuracy" in pegging the events of the past 4 years serves a higher purpose and I started thinking of it -- and decided to write this blog -- after reading my friend Alison Baughman's blog this morning about 2012 -- "what IF 10 % of the world's populace BELIEVED it was the end of the world and let their fears run wild?"
What then?
I used to joke that people said "oh, he's such a nice boy (referring to me) until he talks about the economy!!"
I tried to warn fellow psychics and "light workers" about the economy so they could prepare for the psychological problems that potentially would arise in the general population. Not a lot of people paid attention to what I was saying.
I am afraid that Alison is right -- and hopefully as a doom and gloomer about the economy and the environment who consistently seemed to know what was up, my wish is that people will hear me when I say "the world is getting better, not worse".
These are growing pains to a better world -- a world that will perhaps appear shortly after 2012. The trend, short-term, is down. But by 2012 it will start moving higher and higher :)
Here is a link to Alison's blog:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Am I the Reincarnation of this man ??
As a child I was Civil War CRAZY . . . Bruce Catton's books were like the Bible and I was famous as a pre-schooler for dressing up as a soldier and telling everyone I was going to West Point. I held on to this West Point join the Army idea up until Junior High School but by around 9th grade those ideas began to fade.
I dreamed all the time -- and I remember the dreams very vividly, 50 years later -- that I was a soldier, especially a soldier in the Civil War, with a Gold Sash and a big sword. I loved the Confederacy and HATED the blue coated Union soldiers . . . everything was about and for the Confederate Army. I have SERIOUS issues with racism in this world and now I find it ironic in one sense that I had such a strong love for the Gray uniforms and such an intense distaste for soldiers in Blue but certainly as I child I most assuredly did. And, I still do.
As a Civil War "buff" I always wanted to go to Gettysburg, PA to see the battlefield and the museums. Same thing for Richmond, VA. I went there as a child so I could go look at the Confederate flags and uniforms. When I was 14 years old we went to Gettysburg.
A few days before leaving for Pennsylvania, I had a growth removed from an infected bite just below my left knee. We went to Gettysburg but a few hours after we arrived I noticed big red streaks running up and down my left leg. We went to a doctor in Gettysburg who told us that I had blood poisoning and I needed treatment for it or else I might lose my leg.
Lose my leg? My father had a pickup truck with a camper on back and I rode all night from Gettysburg to Ohio in the back of the camper, bumped and jostled around, but we got back home, I had another minor operation, kept the leg moist, elevated and pampered and a couple of weeks later we went back to Gettysburg.
In my late teens I started having "visions" -- the onset of what would later be the foundation for my career as a psychic. When I was 24, I moved to San Francisco and found psychics and teachers and took classes on Past Life Regression. Several people commented that year that they saw me in a gray Confederate uniform, with a Gold Sash.
My girl friend, Lisa Webster, who tragically contracted leukemia and died when she was only 27, and I were visiting Stanford University in Palo Alto and while I was there on campus I started seeing visions of a battlefield. I could see soldiers dead in the fields. I looked down at my leg -- my left leg was amputated at the knee. I asked Lisa, "do you see anything strange?"
She answered "your leg's gone."
This went on for a long time. I felt almost positive that I was a Confederate officer in the Civil War . . . but who? And how would I ever figure it out?
A few years later, I was randomly looking through a big picture book of Civil War memorabilia and my attention was drawn to a coat. The coat was nothing flashy or special and according to the caption was worn by a Confederate general, someone I had never heard of. That soldier's name was William Dorsey Pender.
I was for some reason fascinated though by this coat and so I started looking up information about young Gen. Pender. It turns out that he and I share the same birthday -- February 6. It also turned out that Gen. Pender had been shot in the leg at Gettysburg, ridden all night in a wagon from Gettysburg to Virginia where infection set in, his left leg was amputated at the knee and, as a result of the operation, he died.
A West Point graduate, he was a rising star in the Confederate Army before his death. As an astrologer I was determined to see if there were any astrological signatures suggesting "karmic ties". Our birthdays were the same so our suns would be exact conjunctions.
He was born February 6, 1834, me February 6, 1955 -- exactly 121 (which is 11 x 11 by the way) years apart. The two most telling signs of "karmic connections" are aspects to the moon nodes or Pluto, especially if there are tight aspects to any of the four angles in the chart.
Well here it starts to get a little "freaky deaky". My moon nodes are exactly opposite his. My North Node is at 3 Capricorn, his at 3 Cancer. The mid-point of our Pluto's is exactly, within a minute, conjunct my Ascendant, my Pluto is opposite his Mars by declination almost exactly and his Pluto at 11 Aries is loosely conjunct my natal Mars at 16 Aries. Anyway, there are even more very tight aspects between the charts but without an exact time it is difficult to be super precise on aspects to the Moon or the angles . . .
I have shown his picture to several well-known psychics who have confirmed their belief that yes he and I are one and the same. Is it true? Of course I have no idea. Gen. Pender was famous as a cool head under fire but was also considered by many to be somewhat aloof and taciturn. Loved as a leader but perhaps not as loved as a man . . .
He was also vain about his looks and worried about losing his hair.
Anyway I am attaching a composite photo of William Dorsey Pender and me. Am I the reincarnation of a General in the Confederate Army, specifically this General ?? -- well who knows. But what the heck, it does make an interesting speculation perhaps.
I always joke that next time I'm in Nashville I should get a little respect, at least a 10 % discount at McDonald's but alas perhaps not . . .
I am also -- fwiw -- attaching a short bio I found online. It goes like this . . .
Pender is an excellent officer, attentive, industrious and brave; has been conspicuous in every battle." ~ Robert E. Lee
Born on February 6, 1834, in Edgecomb County, North Carolina, William Dorsey Pender was one of the finest young officers in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. A small piece of trivia may be of interest to the reader that involves Pender. Three Army of Northern Virginia generals shared Feb. 6th as their birthday: John B. Gordon (1832), Jeb Stuart (1833), and Dorsey Pender (1834).
A favorite of the commanding general, who listed him next to Hood and Jackson as his "best men" Lee was to later remark that had Pender been able to stay on his horse another half an hour at Gettysburg, he would have won the day.
Pender graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, a member of the class of 1854. Ranked 19th of 46, like Powell Hill he was posted to the artillery branch of the antebellum army. Amongst his distinguished classmates were G.W.C Lee, O.O. Howard, John Pegram, Jeb Stuart, Archibald Gracie, S.D. Lee, Stephen H. Weed, James Deshler, and Thomas H. Ruger. The class of 1854 produced 11 generals; of these 11, 6 were killed in battle, including five for the Confederacy.
In the antebellum army, the dark-haired, strong Pender was known for his bravery as a lieutenant in the dragoons. Faced with an Indian chief at the battle of Spokane Plains in the Washington Territory, Pender turned the battle by galloping up to the chief, grabbing him by the arm and throat, and carrying him in that fashion away from his braves. Pender then took him back to his line and hurled the chief into the midst of his troopers.
Pender resigned his commission with the U.S. Army on March 21, 1861, and was appointed an artillery captain in the new Confederate states army.
He was quickly promoted to colonel, however, and given command of the 3rd and 6th North Carolina regiments. On June 3, 1862, he was promoted to brigadier general after a fine performance at Seven Pines and assigned to command a North Carolina brigade in A.P. Hill's "Light Division." Pender's bravery was so conspicuous at that battle as to attract the attention of Jefferson Davis, who said: "General Pender, I salute you." Davis had Pender promoted on the battlefield to general.
Pender distinguished himself as a brigade commander. An admirer of Hood, he strove to make his brigade "second to none by Hood's Texas boys." Wounded at Malvern Hill during the Seven Days, he was back with his men to fight at Cedar Mountain, Second Manassas, Harper's Ferry, and Sharpsburg. He was wounded at both Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville as well as at Second Manaassas where after a shellt grazed his head he jokingly told his wife that he was well but his head was a "little more bald of yore."
Upon reorganization of the army, he was given command of the division upon A.P. Hill's promotion to command of the Third Corps.
With this increased responsibility came a promotion to major general.
A favorite of Powell Hill, he was hand-picked by Hill to command the old Light Division when Hill was promoted. Hill wrote of Pender: "Gen. Pender has fought with the Division in every battle, has been four times wounded and never left the field, has risen by death and wounds from fifth brigadier to be its senior, has the best drilled and disciplined Brigade in the Division, and more than all, possesses the unbounded confidence of the Division."
Pender was married and had two sons. At twenty-nine, he was one of the youngest of Lee's division commanders. He wore a pair of black stars cut from felt sewn on the collar of a rough gray tunic to indicate rank.
Pender could be blunt. He had an argument with James Jay Archer around the time of Fredericksburg and was no fan of Jackson or Stuart. Of the former, Pender remarked that he only wished for promotion as "a means of getting out of Jackson's command." He noted that Jackson would "kill up the army the way he marches" and that Jackson was too forgetful of the fact "that one gets tired, hungry, or sleepy." As to the latter, Pender thought his classmate "a scheming fellow" who he would "not have him command the corps for anything in the world." He also felt that there was Virginia bias in the Army, noting that he had two strikes against him -- he was from North Carolina ("and that will work against me with Mr. Davis") and he was a friend of General Hill which he felt would work against him with Jackson.
Pender led the Light Division at Gettysburg. While trying to ready his troops on the 2nd day of fighting, Pender was wounded in the fleshy part of the thigh by a shell fragment. The wound bled profousely. The sight probably did not alarm his men, who were used to seeing Pender wounded before. Reluctantly Pender had to go to the rear. Deemed too valuable to be left behind to be captured, Pender was jostled back across the Potomac in a wagon. Despite the difficult ride and an infection setting in it was thought that he would recover, however, as his condition seemed to be improving.
He then suffered a severe bleeding at Staunton, Virginia and while he was able to stop the blood with a hairbrush and towel as a tourniquet, the surgeon deemed the artery impossible to repair and the leg was amputated. Pender died within a few hours after the operation on July 18, 1863. He was buried in the churchyard of Calvary Church in Tarboro, North Carolina. His last words were "Tell my wife that I do not fear to die. I can confidently resign my soul to God, trusting in the atonement of Jesus Christ. My only regret is to leave her and our two children. I have always tried to do my duty in every sphere in which Providence has placed me."
Ironically, after being wounded so many times, a two-inch shell fragment finally is what did in the gallant Dorsey Pender.
Superlatives are easy to find for the talented Dorsey Pender. One officer sums them up, stating the opinion of most who knew him: "He was one of the coolest, most self-possessed and one of the most absolutely fearless men under fire I ever knew."
Pious, brave, and young, Pender is the epitome of the typical officer in the Light Division. The letters he wrote to his wife are collected by William Woods Hassler in a book entitled "One of Lee's Best Men" -- a reference to a letter by Robert E. Lee that lamented his loss of his "best men:" Jackson, Hood, and Pender. *****
Another bit of Karmic trivia -- there is a book "Someone Else's Yesterday" and a somewhat famous case involving a gentleman, Jeffrey Keene, who believes he was the reincarnation of John Bell Gordon, another Confederate General born on February 6.

I dreamed all the time -- and I remember the dreams very vividly, 50 years later -- that I was a soldier, especially a soldier in the Civil War, with a Gold Sash and a big sword. I loved the Confederacy and HATED the blue coated Union soldiers . . . everything was about and for the Confederate Army. I have SERIOUS issues with racism in this world and now I find it ironic in one sense that I had such a strong love for the Gray uniforms and such an intense distaste for soldiers in Blue but certainly as I child I most assuredly did. And, I still do.
As a Civil War "buff" I always wanted to go to Gettysburg, PA to see the battlefield and the museums. Same thing for Richmond, VA. I went there as a child so I could go look at the Confederate flags and uniforms. When I was 14 years old we went to Gettysburg.
A few days before leaving for Pennsylvania, I had a growth removed from an infected bite just below my left knee. We went to Gettysburg but a few hours after we arrived I noticed big red streaks running up and down my left leg. We went to a doctor in Gettysburg who told us that I had blood poisoning and I needed treatment for it or else I might lose my leg.
Lose my leg? My father had a pickup truck with a camper on back and I rode all night from Gettysburg to Ohio in the back of the camper, bumped and jostled around, but we got back home, I had another minor operation, kept the leg moist, elevated and pampered and a couple of weeks later we went back to Gettysburg.
In my late teens I started having "visions" -- the onset of what would later be the foundation for my career as a psychic. When I was 24, I moved to San Francisco and found psychics and teachers and took classes on Past Life Regression. Several people commented that year that they saw me in a gray Confederate uniform, with a Gold Sash.
My girl friend, Lisa Webster, who tragically contracted leukemia and died when she was only 27, and I were visiting Stanford University in Palo Alto and while I was there on campus I started seeing visions of a battlefield. I could see soldiers dead in the fields. I looked down at my leg -- my left leg was amputated at the knee. I asked Lisa, "do you see anything strange?"
She answered "your leg's gone."
This went on for a long time. I felt almost positive that I was a Confederate officer in the Civil War . . . but who? And how would I ever figure it out?
A few years later, I was randomly looking through a big picture book of Civil War memorabilia and my attention was drawn to a coat. The coat was nothing flashy or special and according to the caption was worn by a Confederate general, someone I had never heard of. That soldier's name was William Dorsey Pender.
I was for some reason fascinated though by this coat and so I started looking up information about young Gen. Pender. It turns out that he and I share the same birthday -- February 6. It also turned out that Gen. Pender had been shot in the leg at Gettysburg, ridden all night in a wagon from Gettysburg to Virginia where infection set in, his left leg was amputated at the knee and, as a result of the operation, he died.
A West Point graduate, he was a rising star in the Confederate Army before his death. As an astrologer I was determined to see if there were any astrological signatures suggesting "karmic ties". Our birthdays were the same so our suns would be exact conjunctions.
He was born February 6, 1834, me February 6, 1955 -- exactly 121 (which is 11 x 11 by the way) years apart. The two most telling signs of "karmic connections" are aspects to the moon nodes or Pluto, especially if there are tight aspects to any of the four angles in the chart.
Well here it starts to get a little "freaky deaky". My moon nodes are exactly opposite his. My North Node is at 3 Capricorn, his at 3 Cancer. The mid-point of our Pluto's is exactly, within a minute, conjunct my Ascendant, my Pluto is opposite his Mars by declination almost exactly and his Pluto at 11 Aries is loosely conjunct my natal Mars at 16 Aries. Anyway, there are even more very tight aspects between the charts but without an exact time it is difficult to be super precise on aspects to the Moon or the angles . . .
I have shown his picture to several well-known psychics who have confirmed their belief that yes he and I are one and the same. Is it true? Of course I have no idea. Gen. Pender was famous as a cool head under fire but was also considered by many to be somewhat aloof and taciturn. Loved as a leader but perhaps not as loved as a man . . .
He was also vain about his looks and worried about losing his hair.
Anyway I am attaching a composite photo of William Dorsey Pender and me. Am I the reincarnation of a General in the Confederate Army, specifically this General ?? -- well who knows. But what the heck, it does make an interesting speculation perhaps.
I always joke that next time I'm in Nashville I should get a little respect, at least a 10 % discount at McDonald's but alas perhaps not . . .
I am also -- fwiw -- attaching a short bio I found online. It goes like this . . .
Pender is an excellent officer, attentive, industrious and brave; has been conspicuous in every battle." ~ Robert E. Lee
Born on February 6, 1834, in Edgecomb County, North Carolina, William Dorsey Pender was one of the finest young officers in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. A small piece of trivia may be of interest to the reader that involves Pender. Three Army of Northern Virginia generals shared Feb. 6th as their birthday: John B. Gordon (1832), Jeb Stuart (1833), and Dorsey Pender (1834).
A favorite of the commanding general, who listed him next to Hood and Jackson as his "best men" Lee was to later remark that had Pender been able to stay on his horse another half an hour at Gettysburg, he would have won the day.
Pender graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, a member of the class of 1854. Ranked 19th of 46, like Powell Hill he was posted to the artillery branch of the antebellum army. Amongst his distinguished classmates were G.W.C Lee, O.O. Howard, John Pegram, Jeb Stuart, Archibald Gracie, S.D. Lee, Stephen H. Weed, James Deshler, and Thomas H. Ruger. The class of 1854 produced 11 generals; of these 11, 6 were killed in battle, including five for the Confederacy.
In the antebellum army, the dark-haired, strong Pender was known for his bravery as a lieutenant in the dragoons. Faced with an Indian chief at the battle of Spokane Plains in the Washington Territory, Pender turned the battle by galloping up to the chief, grabbing him by the arm and throat, and carrying him in that fashion away from his braves. Pender then took him back to his line and hurled the chief into the midst of his troopers.
Pender resigned his commission with the U.S. Army on March 21, 1861, and was appointed an artillery captain in the new Confederate states army.
He was quickly promoted to colonel, however, and given command of the 3rd and 6th North Carolina regiments. On June 3, 1862, he was promoted to brigadier general after a fine performance at Seven Pines and assigned to command a North Carolina brigade in A.P. Hill's "Light Division." Pender's bravery was so conspicuous at that battle as to attract the attention of Jefferson Davis, who said: "General Pender, I salute you." Davis had Pender promoted on the battlefield to general.
Pender distinguished himself as a brigade commander. An admirer of Hood, he strove to make his brigade "second to none by Hood's Texas boys." Wounded at Malvern Hill during the Seven Days, he was back with his men to fight at Cedar Mountain, Second Manassas, Harper's Ferry, and Sharpsburg. He was wounded at both Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville as well as at Second Manaassas where after a shellt grazed his head he jokingly told his wife that he was well but his head was a "little more bald of yore."
Upon reorganization of the army, he was given command of the division upon A.P. Hill's promotion to command of the Third Corps.
With this increased responsibility came a promotion to major general.
A favorite of Powell Hill, he was hand-picked by Hill to command the old Light Division when Hill was promoted. Hill wrote of Pender: "Gen. Pender has fought with the Division in every battle, has been four times wounded and never left the field, has risen by death and wounds from fifth brigadier to be its senior, has the best drilled and disciplined Brigade in the Division, and more than all, possesses the unbounded confidence of the Division."
Pender was married and had two sons. At twenty-nine, he was one of the youngest of Lee's division commanders. He wore a pair of black stars cut from felt sewn on the collar of a rough gray tunic to indicate rank.
Pender could be blunt. He had an argument with James Jay Archer around the time of Fredericksburg and was no fan of Jackson or Stuart. Of the former, Pender remarked that he only wished for promotion as "a means of getting out of Jackson's command." He noted that Jackson would "kill up the army the way he marches" and that Jackson was too forgetful of the fact "that one gets tired, hungry, or sleepy." As to the latter, Pender thought his classmate "a scheming fellow" who he would "not have him command the corps for anything in the world." He also felt that there was Virginia bias in the Army, noting that he had two strikes against him -- he was from North Carolina ("and that will work against me with Mr. Davis") and he was a friend of General Hill which he felt would work against him with Jackson.
Pender led the Light Division at Gettysburg. While trying to ready his troops on the 2nd day of fighting, Pender was wounded in the fleshy part of the thigh by a shell fragment. The wound bled profousely. The sight probably did not alarm his men, who were used to seeing Pender wounded before. Reluctantly Pender had to go to the rear. Deemed too valuable to be left behind to be captured, Pender was jostled back across the Potomac in a wagon. Despite the difficult ride and an infection setting in it was thought that he would recover, however, as his condition seemed to be improving.
He then suffered a severe bleeding at Staunton, Virginia and while he was able to stop the blood with a hairbrush and towel as a tourniquet, the surgeon deemed the artery impossible to repair and the leg was amputated. Pender died within a few hours after the operation on July 18, 1863. He was buried in the churchyard of Calvary Church in Tarboro, North Carolina. His last words were "Tell my wife that I do not fear to die. I can confidently resign my soul to God, trusting in the atonement of Jesus Christ. My only regret is to leave her and our two children. I have always tried to do my duty in every sphere in which Providence has placed me."
Ironically, after being wounded so many times, a two-inch shell fragment finally is what did in the gallant Dorsey Pender.
Superlatives are easy to find for the talented Dorsey Pender. One officer sums them up, stating the opinion of most who knew him: "He was one of the coolest, most self-possessed and one of the most absolutely fearless men under fire I ever knew."
Pious, brave, and young, Pender is the epitome of the typical officer in the Light Division. The letters he wrote to his wife are collected by William Woods Hassler in a book entitled "One of Lee's Best Men" -- a reference to a letter by Robert E. Lee that lamented his loss of his "best men:" Jackson, Hood, and Pender. *****
Another bit of Karmic trivia -- there is a book "Someone Else's Yesterday" and a somewhat famous case involving a gentleman, Jeffrey Keene, who believes he was the reincarnation of John Bell Gordon, another Confederate General born on February 6.

Another Past Life ??
I have written about my thoughts concerning my "past life" as a Confederate Army Officer -- Maj. Gen William Dorsey Pender -- elsewhere. There is also ANOTHER possible past life that I feel (due to a lot of circumstantial evidence from putting two and two together with many of the visions I've had over the years as well as a little "karmic resonance") is also likely to be true.
I know that the odds of this are small but, nonetheless, I think this is also "one of my own" . . . my friend, Allie Cheslick, has confirmed her belief that this may be the truth and I have a lot of faith in her opinions regarding "past lives".
Her name was Dagny Juel. She was a model and pianist and muse to some of the most famous artists of the late 19th Century -- including Edvard Munch and playwright August Strindberg. Anyway, some photo collages of both Dagny and William Dorsey Pender.
I think the study of past lives is more than megalomania; I think an understanding of it -- does it exist and, if so, how? -- is vitally important to our sense of spirituality. Anyway . . . a wandering sexual wild child -- someone, perhaps, to balance out my military karma :)

I know that the odds of this are small but, nonetheless, I think this is also "one of my own" . . . my friend, Allie Cheslick, has confirmed her belief that this may be the truth and I have a lot of faith in her opinions regarding "past lives".
Her name was Dagny Juel. She was a model and pianist and muse to some of the most famous artists of the late 19th Century -- including Edvard Munch and playwright August Strindberg. Anyway, some photo collages of both Dagny and William Dorsey Pender.
I think the study of past lives is more than megalomania; I think an understanding of it -- does it exist and, if so, how? -- is vitally important to our sense of spirituality. Anyway . . . a wandering sexual wild child -- someone, perhaps, to balance out my military karma :)

San Francisco / Psychic Readings / Acting / "Stuff"
Well, I have been back in the SF Bay Area for a week and I have to admit I feel much more at home here than I did in LA. So far, I haven't really missed Casperville, but that could change. The "acting thing" . . . well, truthfully, I LOVED IT and do miss it. But it is more my "speed" here in Northern California and so -- for now, this is where I plan to stay.
Hopefully, I will have opportunities in the future to work again as an actor. And, it is absolutely my intention to work in both LA and San Francisco. That is the plan . . . so fingers are crossed. There are people I want to work with in Los Angeles and I intend to do that -- soon.
Now that I have settled in a bit, I am feeling the desire (again -- just like everyone said I would hahahaha) to start working again as a psychic. I guess it's true -- I really can't quit. So, I have changed the website back to reflect the fact that I am doing readings once more.
Sometimes the madness of the profession -- well it wears you out. But I have been on a hot streak now for quite a while and right now I feel in many respects that I am truly at the top of my game. I am not 99 % accurate -- no one is 99 % accurate -- but I have been truly locked in now and my "accuracy rate", I think, is pretty high.
I will also be making announcements in the very near future regarding my return to radio with some new (and old) guests. I am excited by some of the things on the horizon for my work in various media -- both in terms of format and location !!
Anyway . . . I am happy to be here. The floods are happening in one of my favorite places -- Nashville -- and that makes me sad but what will be, will be. Believe in yourself and put your faith in a benevolent God . . . the world is spinning sideways a bit now but soon, very soon, the true spiritual light will appear once more :)
"Truth comes as conqueror only to those who have lost the art of receiving it as friend." -- Rabindranath Tagore
Hopefully, I will have opportunities in the future to work again as an actor. And, it is absolutely my intention to work in both LA and San Francisco. That is the plan . . . so fingers are crossed. There are people I want to work with in Los Angeles and I intend to do that -- soon.
Now that I have settled in a bit, I am feeling the desire (again -- just like everyone said I would hahahaha) to start working again as a psychic. I guess it's true -- I really can't quit. So, I have changed the website back to reflect the fact that I am doing readings once more.
Sometimes the madness of the profession -- well it wears you out. But I have been on a hot streak now for quite a while and right now I feel in many respects that I am truly at the top of my game. I am not 99 % accurate -- no one is 99 % accurate -- but I have been truly locked in now and my "accuracy rate", I think, is pretty high.
I will also be making announcements in the very near future regarding my return to radio with some new (and old) guests. I am excited by some of the things on the horizon for my work in various media -- both in terms of format and location !!
Anyway . . . I am happy to be here. The floods are happening in one of my favorite places -- Nashville -- and that makes me sad but what will be, will be. Believe in yourself and put your faith in a benevolent God . . . the world is spinning sideways a bit now but soon, very soon, the true spiritual light will appear once more :)
"Truth comes as conqueror only to those who have lost the art of receiving it as friend." -- Rabindranath Tagore
The Merry Month of May
Those of us who have publicly been crying in the wilderness the past few years saying "housing prices will fall, unemployment will sky rocket, the wars will drag on forever with no obvious gains and weather will be both UNUSUAL and DANGEROUS" -- like me, for example -- could justifiably go "well, I told you so" but here, I think, is the true lesson.
There is a spiritual interconnectedness to all people and to all living things. There is a God and an essence of God in everything. If we choose to live in balance with that "spiritual harmony" then all is (for the most part) pretty good. Veer too far from that balance, then poof . . . life can get a little "complex".
THIS MONTH is when (I believe) Mother Nature "acts out". I expect there to be rainfall and floods on an unprecedented scale. And soon, say 4 months down the road, or so, I expect the next wave of "confusion" regarding the solvency and liquidity of some of our major banks.
Currency problems -- a very sharp de-valuation of the dollar is one possibility -- could also become a major problem in the late Summer or Fall, more likely (I think) late September or October.
2010 is what people fear in 2012.
2012 is like Y2K, I believe -- a lot of hype. I think 2012 will be fairly calm. In my opinion, it is the years leading up to 2012 and then the years immediately following -- especially between 2015-2020, I bet, when things change most dramatically.
In fact, I think things will look fairly rosy (relatively speaking) starting in 2011. I actually kind of like what I see in the second half of 2011. I think that is the year we start to turn the corner a bit and find a more balanced world.
And there are likely to be incredible technological advances in the latter part of this decade -- especially in both health care and space travel. But this year? Weeeeeellllllll . . .
Change can be good or it can be scary. It is up to us to find the silver lining in any black clouds that may appear on the scene.
But get ready . . . NOW is when the world VISIBLY begins changing. THIS MONTH.
There is a spiritual interconnectedness to all people and to all living things. There is a God and an essence of God in everything. If we choose to live in balance with that "spiritual harmony" then all is (for the most part) pretty good. Veer too far from that balance, then poof . . . life can get a little "complex".
THIS MONTH is when (I believe) Mother Nature "acts out". I expect there to be rainfall and floods on an unprecedented scale. And soon, say 4 months down the road, or so, I expect the next wave of "confusion" regarding the solvency and liquidity of some of our major banks.
Currency problems -- a very sharp de-valuation of the dollar is one possibility -- could also become a major problem in the late Summer or Fall, more likely (I think) late September or October.
2010 is what people fear in 2012.
2012 is like Y2K, I believe -- a lot of hype. I think 2012 will be fairly calm. In my opinion, it is the years leading up to 2012 and then the years immediately following -- especially between 2015-2020, I bet, when things change most dramatically.
In fact, I think things will look fairly rosy (relatively speaking) starting in 2011. I actually kind of like what I see in the second half of 2011. I think that is the year we start to turn the corner a bit and find a more balanced world.
And there are likely to be incredible technological advances in the latter part of this decade -- especially in both health care and space travel. But this year? Weeeeeellllllll . . .
Change can be good or it can be scary. It is up to us to find the silver lining in any black clouds that may appear on the scene.
But get ready . . . NOW is when the world VISIBLY begins changing. THIS MONTH.
Prophet -- and Loss
Being Psychic and doing radio shows and making movies and hangin' with Hollywood celebs, dating TV actresses and singers, etc etc etc -- well THAT sounds good, right?
But here is the other side of that coin . . .
When I was 22, my father had a massive coronary and died, literally, right in front of me
I "started seeing things" and I was stupid enough to mention it to my good ole boy father-in-law who decided the psycho Yankee needed to vamoose and his beauty queen Southern Belle daughter needed to come home,
or else forfeit her inheritance and so she did
and I tried to get back with her but it was a little "complicated" since her Daddy let it be known that if I ever stepped foot on his property, a big mansion in the Historic Register of Homes, on top of a big ole hill . . . that he would kill me
and EVERYONE knew that he wasn't joking so . . . one more in the debit column
then I had a girl friend, a year later, a beautiful funny sexual little thing, who got leukemia when she was 22 and died 5 years later . . . also not such a rockn good time
and then (and there is a lot in between, too, but these are the "highlights") -- my baby Lehna was stillborn and I saw her delivered, dead -- a big beautiful baby and later I figured out that my employer -- a hospital chain -- made a mistake that likely killed her and then tried to hide it.
I then threw away my career 'cause I was sad, first, and crazy, second -- I was a 200 - 300 K a year Management Consultant -- and well, perhaps you see my point
everything in life -- it comes with a price . . .
But here is the other side of that coin . . .
When I was 22, my father had a massive coronary and died, literally, right in front of me
I "started seeing things" and I was stupid enough to mention it to my good ole boy father-in-law who decided the psycho Yankee needed to vamoose and his beauty queen Southern Belle daughter needed to come home,
or else forfeit her inheritance and so she did
and I tried to get back with her but it was a little "complicated" since her Daddy let it be known that if I ever stepped foot on his property, a big mansion in the Historic Register of Homes, on top of a big ole hill . . . that he would kill me
and EVERYONE knew that he wasn't joking so . . . one more in the debit column
then I had a girl friend, a year later, a beautiful funny sexual little thing, who got leukemia when she was 22 and died 5 years later . . . also not such a rockn good time
and then (and there is a lot in between, too, but these are the "highlights") -- my baby Lehna was stillborn and I saw her delivered, dead -- a big beautiful baby and later I figured out that my employer -- a hospital chain -- made a mistake that likely killed her and then tried to hide it.
I then threw away my career 'cause I was sad, first, and crazy, second -- I was a 200 - 300 K a year Management Consultant -- and well, perhaps you see my point
everything in life -- it comes with a price . . .
My Life As Performance Art -- for my Next Trick . . .
Got a call tonight about another movie -- this one shoots on Saturday (in theory after I've already left Casperville USA and headed north to the San Francisco Bay) and it is interesting to me how quickly I have vibed with the idea of being a professional actor and how it juxtaposes with my career as a professional psychic.
Ironically (or not -- depending on your frame of reference) the more I try to detach and distance myself from my identity as a professional psychic -- "The Rock n Roll Psychic" -- the more attention I seem to get. Every time I do the "Greta Garbo" thang and try to walk -- the more voices seem to rise in the wilderness saying "don't go, bucko . . . stay stay stay."
Interesting . . . very interesting.
I am enjoying this little run as an actor; however, I feel as if right now my whole life is "performance art" and I am publicly pulling rabbits out of unknown hats -- it is all some magickal walk on the wild side, art and metaphysics and love and loss and a bevy of strange and curious creatures all lined up in a parallel universe trying desperately to join in . . . be a part of the "show".
I am taking chances -- crazy chances -- but that is the thing about Art . . . sometimes you have got to push the envelope sooooo hard. So hard.
I am a high wire act trying not to fall . . . I will continue to pull the rabbits out of whatever hat I can find. Life is a daring adventure . . .
or -- it is nothing.*
Nothing at all.
-- My friend Linda Bryant asked -- after reading this and all the other things I've written -- if I perhaps have my North Node in Leo. My answer is in the "Comments" section but I have decided it actually kind of "adds" to the story so I have re-posted it here, as well.
-- Actually, my North Node is in Capricorn. But I have a Leo Moon . . .
on top of that, my Moon is in the third house and I have a Gemini Ascendant so the third house has some significance due to its association with the Rising Sign
and the ruler of the Ascendant, Mercury, is right on the M.C. -- "a born talker"...
But the Nodes would suggest -- and I think this is true -- that I am a traditionalist and, at heart, more interested in stability and less inclined towards being the wild gypsy mystic poet
I have a "skill" (or "gift") and a drive towards using that on a larger scale. BUT -- if it "were left up to me" I would NEVER have come back to do this . . . The reason I try to "quit" so often is that maintaining this really flies in the face of what I want -- FOR MYSELF
but, as several psychic pals have said to me -- "subtle didn't get it". I wanted my house and big screen TV's and Italian shoes. That is what I wanted --
but obviously "Spirit wanted me for something else" -- so "The Perfect Storm" had to hit me and that worked like this . . .
I lost my little Lehna and my employer turned out to be my baby's killer -- a perfect storm, an ethical nightmare . . . literally, a living Hell.
Everyone can talk all they want about free will but I believe there is a guiding hand at work and whacked as this sounds, I believe I am usually maneuvered back to this "Psychic World" -- it even sounds like an amusement park hahahaha. "Come on kids, let's go to Psychic World!!" -- no matter how hard I have tried to have a "normal, conventional" life.
A daring adventure --
played out on a public stage
predictions of world events . . . all these stories and notes, movies and radio shows . . . I say what I am going to do and then my little corner of the world can watch with me and see if I can do it (or not)
a magic(k) act -- LIVE . . . that, really, IS my life
*"Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing." -- Helen Keller
Ironically (or not -- depending on your frame of reference) the more I try to detach and distance myself from my identity as a professional psychic -- "The Rock n Roll Psychic" -- the more attention I seem to get. Every time I do the "Greta Garbo" thang and try to walk -- the more voices seem to rise in the wilderness saying "don't go, bucko . . . stay stay stay."
Interesting . . . very interesting.
I am enjoying this little run as an actor; however, I feel as if right now my whole life is "performance art" and I am publicly pulling rabbits out of unknown hats -- it is all some magickal walk on the wild side, art and metaphysics and love and loss and a bevy of strange and curious creatures all lined up in a parallel universe trying desperately to join in . . . be a part of the "show".
I am taking chances -- crazy chances -- but that is the thing about Art . . . sometimes you have got to push the envelope sooooo hard. So hard.
I am a high wire act trying not to fall . . . I will continue to pull the rabbits out of whatever hat I can find. Life is a daring adventure . . .
or -- it is nothing.*
Nothing at all.
-- My friend Linda Bryant asked -- after reading this and all the other things I've written -- if I perhaps have my North Node in Leo. My answer is in the "Comments" section but I have decided it actually kind of "adds" to the story so I have re-posted it here, as well.
-- Actually, my North Node is in Capricorn. But I have a Leo Moon . . .
on top of that, my Moon is in the third house and I have a Gemini Ascendant so the third house has some significance due to its association with the Rising Sign
and the ruler of the Ascendant, Mercury, is right on the M.C. -- "a born talker"...
But the Nodes would suggest -- and I think this is true -- that I am a traditionalist and, at heart, more interested in stability and less inclined towards being the wild gypsy mystic poet
I have a "skill" (or "gift") and a drive towards using that on a larger scale. BUT -- if it "were left up to me" I would NEVER have come back to do this . . . The reason I try to "quit" so often is that maintaining this really flies in the face of what I want -- FOR MYSELF
but, as several psychic pals have said to me -- "subtle didn't get it". I wanted my house and big screen TV's and Italian shoes. That is what I wanted --
but obviously "Spirit wanted me for something else" -- so "The Perfect Storm" had to hit me and that worked like this . . .
I lost my little Lehna and my employer turned out to be my baby's killer -- a perfect storm, an ethical nightmare . . . literally, a living Hell.
Everyone can talk all they want about free will but I believe there is a guiding hand at work and whacked as this sounds, I believe I am usually maneuvered back to this "Psychic World" -- it even sounds like an amusement park hahahaha. "Come on kids, let's go to Psychic World!!" -- no matter how hard I have tried to have a "normal, conventional" life.
A daring adventure --
played out on a public stage
predictions of world events . . . all these stories and notes, movies and radio shows . . . I say what I am going to do and then my little corner of the world can watch with me and see if I can do it (or not)
a magic(k) act -- LIVE . . . that, really, IS my life
*"Life is a daring adventure or it is nothing." -- Helen Keller
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