
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Changes to my new Tarot and Divination Decks

I have made some changes to the original design of both my new decks. I had to do the fine tooth comb thing with the decks due to possible copyright infringement issues (the images were good on some of the old paintings but there was a possible issue with the photographs OF the images) soooooooo . . .

I have revised both decks and changed them from full color to B & W. Therefore, the price will be going down on both decks. Also, I am not going to be offering the signed and numbered custom decks any more, either. I have contacted everyone who had previously purchased a deck at the old price and given them options due to the new, lower price.

The "Khar - Ma: Past Lives Divination Deck" will now be $23 -- it was $39 before. "The Tarot of Hungarian Shadows" will now be $22 -- it was $36 before. You can now, if you choose, purchase both decks for $39 -- the price of the "Khar - Ma" deck before. Shipping and handling is $6 per deck (for shipping within the U.S. only).

Anyway . . . I wanted to give this update. I think the cards now have an even funkier cosmic vibe than before -- although, truthfully, the original designs WERE prettier. If you are interested in purchasing one -- or both -- decks, please check out my website:

These are the frontispieces to my Past Life Divination Deck "Khar - Ma" and my Tarot Deck "The Tarot of Hungarian Shadows".

"The Tarot of Hungarian Shadows"

"Khar - Ma: Past Lives Divination Deck"

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