
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Psychic Detective

A couple of days ago, I saw a poster online for a missing person -- a beautiful young girl from San Diego. As soon as I saw the poster, I immediately said to myself "she's dead" and now, sadly, we know that this lovely young child, Chelsea King, was, in fact, murdered.

This is not the first time (nor will it be the last) that I have looked at these "Missing Person" bulletins for young children and suspected -- instantly -- that they had passed. There is a very distinct vibe that happens -- there is a 2D flatness to their energy. Of course, the thing about being a psychic is that you never know . . . no matter how "good" you may be, you never truly know.

That is why I never say, before hand, I think this child is dead because the emotional wallop is just too great. I only confirm it after the fact. People have talked to me, a lot, recently about doing police work as a psychic.

I have friends, Robbie Thomas comes to mind first, who do this and do this very well but, as the father of a beautiful teen-age daughter, I am still a little gun shy of getting too close to cases just like this.

I had a conversation yesterday in Anaheim at The Learning Light Foundation regarding predicting death. I said, and I believe this VERY strongly, that it is unethical to EVER predict someone's death.

None of us as psychics can ever be 100 % sure of what we see. We just can't. And I have a very Hippocratic Oath kind of attitude about being a psychic -- no matter what, don't do anything to make it worse. DO NO HARM.

It is better to err on the side of caution than come six guns blazin' and say things that may potentially put an additional fear in the minds of your client. Anyway, I have one last story to add to the "flatness of life" idea and it concerns something I felt about my daughter Lehna.

I was asked to "guess" the day Lehna would be born and I kept "saying" -- because it was what I kept hearing -- that "Lehna wants to be born when the Moon is in Aries". That would have been either March 1, 2, or 3.

When we went to the doctor on March 1st and he set the induction for 10 days in to the future, March 11th, we asked "can't we please do it earlier??" and the compromise date was March 8th -- a week away.

I went home and looked at the ephemeris for March 8th and I said to Beth, "she has to be delivered before the 8th because on the 8th there is NO BABY TO DELIVER."

I took that to mean that she would come out before then but I had an ominous foreboding looking at the chart. The next day, we went to the hospital. Little Lehna was in distress but the doctors -- in spite of us basically begging "can't we please do this since we're here" -- sent us home and lectured Beth in the process, saying basically don't bug us.

Lehna "wanted" to come out March 2nd but she wasn't able to make it. She died the next day. What I had said: ""Lehna wants to be born when the Moon is in Aries" takes on an entirely different meaning now but it was toooooo difficult to allow that thought in to my head at the time. I could not do that to another parent and so I choose not to be put in that position.

It is a crazy world now, filled with crazier and more and more desperate people. Sadly, there will be other young girls and boys who leave too soon. It is my prayer that we, as a society, will embrace our goodness and treat others with dignity and kindness. It is my greatest wish.

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