
Saturday, February 27, 2010


It is tough to "wait" . . . to sit back and let the world do its slow little dance towards certain planetary or cosmic alignments but just like the best halfbacks I try to sit back and wait for the blocks and then the holes will appear. But when the hole opens -- you've got to hit it!

I have "seen" things for a long long time now -- over 30 years. There were certain "images" that I waited to see before telling my "story". The beauty of my life is that I have built a small niche in this psychic media world and have an audience, of sorts, for the things I say. And THAT is beautiful.

But, for me anyway, the time for a spiritual cleanse -- the big shamanic roto-rooter, the cosmic colonic -- is NOW. And I mean RIGHT NOW.

It is not fashionable in the "New Age" community to talk about Jesus and the New Testament but I think HE is vitally important and as much as most churches in the West disgust me, that doesn't negate the power and beauty of HIS message.

I believe that ALL religions that teach love and a respect for the earth and for each other are TRUE religions. There is a profound beauty and truth to Judaism, a profound beauty and truth, too, to Islam as well as many other revealed wisdoms over the years that have been codified into a "religious system". I have a respect and love for their teachings and for those who follow them.

My profound respect for Jesus -- both as a man and an enlightened master -- is off the hook. Amazing. He had to be soooooooo amazing.

But there are other religions with amazing lessons for us to read about and learn from, too -- Judaism, Islam, and Taoism . . . (and Wicca, too, of course, 'cause, let's face it -- I'm a Witch) . . . being the ones (other than Christianity) with the most profound impact on my own personal spiritual development but there are many others that I value and respect and read, too.

I think that this year -- 2010 -- is a BIG YEAR. I have said on air for a long time that 2010 was the important year, not 2012. And I still feel that. I think if we can find love within ourselves and share it with other people then the world will be a beautiful and happy and safe place. If not, then the world will shake and bake and then, I think, we're sorta fucked . . .

If there is a Sodom and Gomorrah in the 21st Century it is not toooooo outrageous of an idea, I think, to say that it lives within the boundaries of The United States of America. We are a country, right now, filled with greed and hate.

The message of Christianity has been hi-jacked, just like the banks and healthcare and public education, by a small cabal with an evil (yep, that is what I said "evil" -- 'cause I feel that it's true) game plan to take what they want come HELL (and yes I said "Hell") or high water. More for me and a whole lot LESS for you . . .

First off: There are no racial differences between us in the eyes of God. Heaven is not going to filled with ONLY white people who kept their lawns nice. Sorry.

It is a diverse universe we live in and, to me, that is what makes it such a beautiful world. I try to keep my religious Jesus loves me thang under wraps but I DO believe in so much of HIS teachings. I hope that we can all see the light from his words -- not the words the PUBLIC CHURCH distorts to make us all good little worker bee drones but the truth of his message of caring and compassion for everyone.

Simplicity, kindness, balance -- that is what the world needs. Open the Bible and read the part with the red letters. Same thing with the Torah and the Koran. Look to the spiritual guidelines we've been given. Forget the capitalist hype -- go down deep, into the soul. That is the where the truth lives.

It is time, for us all, to go within -- before, perhaps, it is too late :(

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