
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 -- A look back at . . . "Predictions"

As I am moving out of the psychic game and in to some hybrid analyst/helper/guru/witch/white-shirt kind of combo, I wanted to take a moment and look back at some of the predictions I had made publicly on radio shows and in print for 2010 . . . nobody is 100 % accurate so anyone who says "I am always accurate" is . . . well -- lying, how's that.

And there are a host of British rock stars sleeping off a late night ushering in the New Year, thankful they were not killed in a plane crash, as I had predicted one of them would.

But, overall, I think I had a fairly good year :)

This time last year, many psychics were talking about earthquakes as the big news for 2010 . . . I said something different.

I said 2010 would be remembered as "The Year of the Flood". I predicted a wave of floods across the world, like no one had ever seen -- literally the worst floods in anyone's memory. Not just that there would be a flood here and there -- Biblical floods, all over the world, with incredible property damage and rainfall that just seemed, how should I say it, "unusual".

In the Summer, during the midst of the Gulf Crisis, I was asked about hurricanes. Several psychics predicted a big hurricane season. I said the opposite. I assumed that the Summer and Fall would be relatively quiet, which it was.

My major area of focus has always been economics and my statements in January, 2009 that Pres. Obama would not only NOT be FDR, but more likely Herbert Hoover, and that unemployment and economic travails would continue for the next year, or two -- at a scale unimaginable to most people . . . well sadly that is also just what happened. I repeated that in January, 2010, saying that 2010 would not be quite so bad as 2009 but the long-term impact would begin to have dramatic consequences and, at a minimum, get old.

More of the same in 2010, as I had predicted in 2008 and 2009. I said publicly many times (since early in 2007) that the "2012 Consciousness" would begin right around September 15, 2008 -- sometime that week. It turns out that the FIRST "bailout" -- the actual term I had used in my published writings about what I expected to happen when the shoe dropped and the elite needed money to save them -- was introduced THAT WEEK and the mind sets of most Americans has never quite been the same ever since.

I also said that "the real 2012" was not in 2012 but rather in 2010, specifically between May 1 and October 31 -- that is when I felt Hell would be unleashed . . . again, when many other psychics were predicting earthquakes, I said the big news for 2010 would be floods -- "floods like people have never seen" -- the floods in Nashville started right around May 1st . . .

the well in the Gulf erupted the last week of April and that was the coin flip to start Crud Bowl XV. Unemployment problems continued and the general mood of the country was not too rockn good.

In 2009, I wrote that there would be a banking "crisis" at the end of the Summer, 2010, sometime around mid-September. In early October (and in predictions of these nature I always give myself a 3-4 week window either side) we had "forclosuregate" and my prediction of a bailout right after (and I repeated this again on air at the end of July) is happening with the Federal Reserve "buying" $600 Billion in Treasury Bonds.

In the Spring, when Pres. Obama's health care plan was introduced, many people saw this as a major victory. I said, literally that day, there would be long and nasty legal battles on the horizon and that people should not expect this any time soon. Nine months later, the legal battles continue.

I also said States and Cities would have HUGE economic problems and basic services would likely be cut. I started talking about this publicly back in 2007 but last year, sadly, saw dramatic confirmation of just how true that prediction was.

I also stated in February that there would soon be major political scandals coming out and within the next month or two there were several. I predicted the Saints in the Super Bowl, even saying the victory would be sealed with a long interception return for a TD and accurately predicted The Stanley Cup, but I missed the NBA playoffs, saying the Celtics would win a close 7 game series. I got every game right through the first six but missed my shot at the end.

All in all, a pretty fair year . . . I continue to get emails all the time telling me something I said that seemed impossible did, in fact, come to pass. I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be, 98 % accurate but I feel as if I'm "pretty good" and I have not backed off from making bold statements and taking responsibility for making them.

I have "proven my point", at least to myself, and now I want to "move on" to other things. But, for the past few years, I have tried my best to share my vision and be helpful.

Wishing you all a beautiful and happy 2011.

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