
Saturday, June 12, 2010

My thoughts this morning on Israel's Attack on Humanitarian Aid Convoy

Originally Posted June 1. 2010 on Facebook:

Well it was a busy but beautiful Memorial Day and I went to bed last night with a smile on my face, with the expectation that I would wake up this morning and get started on helping make sure my latest environmental cause celebre, Fabric Rationing. would receive the kind of serious attention it so desperately deserves.

At least that was the plan.

For those of you who may not yet be aware of it, a flotilla of ships bound for Gaza, with aid for Palestinians who are suffering so terribly as a result of Israel's three year long blockade, was attacked in International Waters.

Unarmed aid workers were murdered; reports vary but perhaps as many as 20 were killed, and video footage shows the Israeli attackers were brandishing weapons clearly stamped "Made in the U.S.A."

Not only am I terribly saddened by this, I am also outraged (and I feel this is the appropriate word) that more is not done to frame Israel's policy towards Palestine in what I believe is the proper context -- an illegal oppressive act and land grab not really much different from what happened to Jews themselves 70 years ago in Germany and throughout Russia and Eastern Europe.

I realize that statement is going to quickly erase my short-lived "Happy Psychic" status talking about hemlines and The Stanley Cup but as much as I may support Israel, in principle, THIS is unacceptable and for a group with such insight in to the human condition -- and with such a terrible history of being oppressed -- it breaks my heart that the State acts as it currently does.

Of course, right now, the same could be said of the United States.

I am a supporter of the rights of Palestinians to at least co-exist and the means by which Israel attempts to maintain control in the region is, to me, ethically unacceptable.

But ethics and he said she said aside -- the reason for this blog is not just because of my sadness for the people who lost their lives nor for the plight of oppressed people all throughout the Middle East and the rest of our lovely but volatile planet.

The reason for my blog is because this act is connected -- dramatically connected -- to a vision I have long held, call it another of my psychic predictions or, what I really believe it is, a "prophecy".

The ships set sail originally from Turkey. Since my early 20's . . . and I was just as psychic at 25 as I am now at 55 -- the biggest difference being my level of education and experience is (after 30 years) much broader -- still, flat out pound for pound my clairvoyant abilities were roughly the same . . . I have been "shown" a vision of Turkey as being the starting point for a time of serious problems in the world.

Little insignificant Turkey.

I think this is the beginning of what may soon, I fear, get out of hand. The world is a dangerous place and it won't take much to domino in to a huge mess. Let us all pray, seriously pray, that a fair and equitable solution can be found.

Israel's act, I feel, should be condemned internationally. I fear though that it will be more of the same. money talks etc etc. But Turkey is important. I don't know how, exactly, but I know it is.

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