Recently, I became acquainted with the work of Alicia Kent. Alicia practices Jin Shin Do, a form of body mind acupressure -- a technique that utilizes much of the logic of acupuncture, but without the needles. Alicia is able, with just her hands, to locate "issues" which are stored within the cellular memory of the body and, just by touching and activating certain key points within the body, she is able to help release not only the "residual emotional baggage" stored within but also (which she did quite dramatically for me) help alleviate physical pain held within the body, as well.
Alicia has an interesting and relevant background for this type of work. Before her education and apprenticeship in Jin Shin Do, she worked for almost 30 years as a medical researcher and lab scientist in a major hospital. She is fully grounded in the sciences and her understanding of, and history with, biochemistry and health care underscores her understanding of the types of pain and trauma likely stored within the cellular memory of her clients.
She is a caring person and bedside manner "matters". She is a good listener, compassionate, with a quick smile and a warm heart. She is able, through just the use of her hands, to assist individuals with self-healing. I have had several personal sessions with Alicia and each one helped me "release" old out-dated patterns of thinking and also, as I mentioned earlier, helped tremendously in dealing with long-term pain in my right shoulder (the result of a dirt bike accident 16 years ago).
After just 2 sessions with Alicia, I was measurably stronger than I have been in years, able to do 40 push ups, when a few years back the pain in my shoulder was so great that I could only do 2 before giving up. I believe, very strongly, that Alicia's work is the reason I can do this now.
I recommend her work without hesitation. She is an intelligent, caring professional and her work ethic is exemplary. I think she is fantastic.
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