
Friday, November 19, 2010

The Alchemy of Love

Each child comes in to this life with an "optimal path" -- the highest integration of all the various talents and desires one has, all lined up and moving towards an expression of pure and total Love. This "optimal path" is based upon his or her genetics and past life "themes".

Then we lead whatever lives we lead. The difference is a fairly straight forward mathematical formula: "where we are" minus "what our optimal path should be" equals "our karma". I, somehow, am able to see both those states fairly well.

As a result, I am able to understand the wounds one has, whether they occurred first in this life or a previous existence, and help individuals integrate and heal from those wounds.

I have done a lot of work on myself over the years and, I think anyway, am starting to grow into a fairly integrated soul. As a result of that inner work, I was able to "see" my way towards meeting "self" in the form of "other" -- what you would call a "soul mate".

Since I, literally, channeled her name -- at a time when, based upon our respective paths and history, we were most likely to understand and appreciate the beauty of the other, I feel it safe to say that this "recognition" and "coming together" was a result of work I had done first on myself, literally magnetizing this connection to me at, initially, a soul level and then, after wards, live in 3-D here on the physical plane.

Alicia Kent and I have come together, partly as "soul partners" for each other but, on a different level, as co-creators of a way of seeing our lives that, in my opinion, is fairly unique. Her work with Jin Shi Do, along with my abilities as a clairvoyant and astrologer, serve as complementary modalities.

I have been reluctant, over the years, to step fully in to this "soul place", largely because I did not feel worthy to be there. There was always more to do, more books to read, bigger fish, etc etc etc. I don't feel that way any more.

I do believe I have "earned" -- based on my own internal thermostat -- the right to step in to that space, my divine space and share that divinity (which is within each of us) in a manner consistent with my "highest self". I have lived one life, in order to learn . . . now it is time to move in to a new life in order to teach.

All my past successes and failures -- and there have been plenty of both -- were simply puzzle pieces left along the road side for me, in some Great Cosmic Game, to scoop up and fit back together. I am there now, not close to there, not pretty much almost there . . . I am there.

Love is the answer. Because I "woke up" to God's Love for me (after Lehna died I was not in a "loving space" with Divine Law, and it took me a while to forgive God -- and myself -- for not protecting my darling baby), I also woke up to a love for myself, as a fully integrated conscious soul. Love of self IS love of God.

It is my journey back to that Love that underscores my career . . . I feel as if my work, truly, is at a higher level. Each year that passes, I grow stronger, see more clearly. But love, especially love for yourself, is the key to unlocking the mysteries of Spirit. There is a way back, a door to Love and understanding. I see it, finally, for what it is.

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