
Friday, November 11, 2011

Let them Eat the Future

(Originally Posted October 1, 2011)

On August 16th, I said the "seals were broken" -- meaning: change was about to happen. Dramatically, quickly, sometimes violently . . . but always with the sweet breath of our Creator at its root.

Initially, I said that change would be our dear Mother Earth shaking and baking and I warned that we should expect an unusual, and dramatic, series of earthquakes and "earth changes". For the next month, that's what happened. I even predicted an earthquake in the Inland Empire of California -- saying it was imminent (it happened 4 days later) and that it would be around 50 miles east of Los Angeles, near Riverside . . it was actually 66 miles east of Los Angeles, near Riverside, CA.

In August, I also said that we should expect a "revolutionary movement" to erupt within the United States in September -- one that would grow quickly and, ultimately, make a difference . . a positive change. Perhaps someday people will realize I know what I'm talking about and that I am, in fact, being given "glimpses" of the future. But -- for some, this is all coincidental.


This movement, "Occupy Wall Street", is going to grow. This, for many, is completely unexpected but to me it is exactly like how I saw the world back in 2006. I could see something was wrong and, over time, it became more and more obvious that there was a guiding hand behind it all and that, soon, a dark stake would be driven through the heart of the United States economy.

Many were surprised, in large part because they had no imagination. But the last two years have been, slowly -- but surely, pebble by pebble, a collection of fiery straws placed on an overworked camel's back.

This one straw too many day was precipitated by a series of actions and initiatives that were enforced through a govermental policy that was nothing, really, more than a mouthpiece for "corporate" policy. This, too, is a surprse to those who could not/would not "see" -- just as the controlled demolition of their world's was 3-4 years ago.

But . . . people are plugged in to a strong and sudden need to "take back" their lives -- to have some say in the ways in which things are done. There is no more waiting. The peasant's patience has run out -- and so, too, has the carte blanche window of the ideologues who wished to go on their merry way, thinking the "little people" would be happy with a new wii and a few fancy apps for their phones. They were wrong; they are about to find out HOW WRONG they actually were.

Ahhhh. Sometimes surprises are beautiful -- while other times . . .

And so the cosmic wheel TURNS.

October wil be a month of reflection. This month is when you stop, take a deep a breath, and say "what the fuck?"

More and more and MORE of you will feel an intense, unusual "itch" to connect with yourselves in new and dramatic ways . . . the "need" to get right with God, for many, will be strong. VERY strong.

This is a blessing to, and for, you. It is the re-boot to your inner GPS. Embrace it, be thankful for it.

God is whispering to you.

It will not only change your life -- it may save it, as well.

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