
Monday, October 4, 2010

Business and Intuition

While the economy was imploding and housing prices were falling so dramatically, I took some time to drop out of the world and have my "inner time". I kept the house in Antiioch for a couple of years longer than I should have and let the money drip drip away but I looked at it as "my monastery"and it was comfortable to me in that context.

I think soon the world will begin to rebound. This is good. As a result, I am also starting to rebound, and am returning once again to the world that once brought me money and toys, and afforded me the luxury of living in a beautiful home for several years even after I stopped working -- the world of business. Not in the same capacity as before but my mind is open to "business" once again as a viable force.

For the past few years I would not allow myself to "touch it" -- as I felt it was, on many levels, "unclean". But I remember how it's done and over the past few months I have drawn into my own personal universe many people who have helped re-awaken that drive to "do" and whose work, integrating business and intuition, I admire.

One of those people is Patti Keating -- . I am attending one of her "Business Breakthrough Bootcamps" and it is wonderful.

Another friend is Wendy Franklin Muhammad, "The Authenticity Coach" -- . Wendy and I have done radio shows together several times over the past few years and I have a tremendous respect for her. She's great !!

Harmony Harrison -- is another brilliant, intuitive soul who has come in to my world. She offers a unique perspective on integrating business and intuition and I think she is amazing. Honestly, I do :)

And then, there is Scott Grossberg -- . What, really, can I say -- other than I think he is brilliant and fantastic and I love his work, and him, too.

I may soon be "shifting" more and more in to a world where the integration of business and creativity and intuition merge. I have avoided it for a long time, but I am feeling the pull. The friends I have listed above, though, are already there :)

I am feeling all these happy accidents happening around me (and yes my rep as a "wizard" / manifester supreme is, I think, actually sort of justified) . . . and I am opening myself up to finally reeling all the pieces/parts in to a new, more fully integrated whole.

I want to thank all of my friends who have shared this amazing journey from Lehna's death back to the place I stand now. I know stuff . . . both about intuition and creativity as well as more practical how does that work in the world of commerce stuff, too.

I have "healed", too (I think) my "hatred" of business, 'cause there is no other way really to say it. Business broke my heart, because a bottom line approach by a hospital led to the death of my child . . . it has taken me a long time to heal -- not only to heal from the loss of my daughter (that is still happening) but also my hatred and disgust with the corporate world.

I miss it though and I feel as if now I have the mind set to fully embrace it once again, only this time while concurrently walking in the light of my work (and name) as an intuitive -- something I didn't know how to do before. I finally see them as peacefully co-existing. I wanted desparately for this day to come. It IS a happy day, indeed.

"The fastest way to succeed is to look as if you're playing by somebody else's rules, while quietly playing by your own". -- Michael Korda

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