
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Does Slavery STILL matter?

Yes, racism is alive and VERY un-well in the USA today. Slavery is STILL an issue because it impacts the collective consciousness of a large group within this country and until we, as a collective, accept this and make some public overt effort to correct it we will always have a problem with it.

I have opportunities as a white boy that others don't have, pure and simple. I can open doors many black men cannot and it has nothing to do with me being so wonderful it has everything to do with me being so white.

If you are not on the receiving end of racism then sure it is easy enough for some folks to say "it is not a real problem to ME" but MOST blacks are victims of racism on some level and probably ALL blacks have, at one time or another, been verbally impacted (at a minimum) by racist comments.

I think we need to do something about it and quit saying blacks should just get over it because until WE (read: white middle and upper class) get over it and publicly apologize for the fuck-ups of our ancestors it will always be an issue.

Things are better than they used to be, no doubt, but they are STILL not right.

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